This is an Acton system that requires Eagles to at least attempt to handle questions and problems themselves. They must do three things before going to myself or another Guide (the ‘G’ applies to either or both!):
When an Eagle approaches me or another Guide on campus with a question or problem, we raise three fingers to check for confirmation they have used the 3B4G system of problem solving. This process dismantles the routine knee-jerk reaction of nearly all children to immediately go to an adult to solve their problem or tell them what to do. If all three are attempted with fidelity, the Guide will offer questions and choices that will point the Eagle in a direction where they can solve the problem for themselves.
Research has proven that little to nothing that happens in a day-to-day learning environment will ‘stick’ if not reinforced at home. Therefore, getting value and power out of an Acton education requires a parent partnership and commitment to engaging in Acton principles at home, too. We know how busy families are, so intentionally keep our recommendations and requests few and doable. That said, the following is the minimum parents should expect to do if they want value in the Acton learning experience:
1 - Hold weekly family meetings. You’ll learn more about these over time, but they are the key to understanding your child’s learning journey and progress. 2- Attend Exhibitions & participate in giving critical feedback. Since we don’t give tests/grades and Guides don’t give feedback, Eagles rely on parents to give them feedback at Exhibition on excellence and progress. 3- Increase independence and responsibility at home. We transfer almost all of what occurs on campus to the Eagles, and they can handle and execute A LOT. Search critically for ways to encourage independence and responsibility. 4-Work hard on mindset by doing the following: