The middle school/Launchpad are enjoying the Photography and New Media Quest this session. They are learning about studio lighting, use a DSLR, portrait and landscape photography, and editing. They will start videography soon!📸✨🎥✨
Core Skills is the block of time each day for learners — armed with headphones, a laptop, and SMART goals — to work alone and at their own pace toward mastery of reading, math, and writing. The skills of time management, focus, and self-control are integrated and practiced throughout.
Work done during Core Skills allows learners to be independent creators, powerful problem-solvers, and communicators. The more you learn and practice, the more you can DO in your life. We’re now on TikTok!
In a true Acton “learner-driven” fashion, our Launchpad (high school) manages our TikTok page and creates posts from their perspective as Acton Learners. They've put out some fun posts! If you're on TikTok give us a follow! @actonacademymarietta At Acton Academy, our word for classroom is “Studio.” Why is that?
In a studio, learners (and artists!) work independently or collaborate together to inspire each other on their journeys. Unlike a traditional classroom, we don’t have rows of desks and whiteboards at the front. Studios look more like a coworking space or sometimes a cozy living room. This is an intentional word choice for an intentional mindset! Each mixed-age studio has a different focus for that age group, and each focus builds off the earlier studios as learners grow in responsibility and stamina. This trajectory of Play > Participate > Prepare > Propel all builds toward and culminates in a capstone experience called the Next Great Adventure. I read more about the focus of each studio, check out our home page. When our learners graduate, they know who they, where they are going next, and, most importantly, WHY they are taking their next step. Feeling inspired? Let us know if you’d like to schedule a call to learn more! Acton’s Exhibitions of Learning take place at the end of four to six week sessions. Sessions have a real-world deliverable at the end, presented to a live audience of parents and other invited guests.
The Learners plan, rehearse, and lead the exhibition all by themselves! They debrief afterwards based on the feedback they receive and take into account how they will improve for the next time. For our younger Eagles, practicing speaking to adults with clear voices, eye contact, and communicating with enthusiasm is a big win. The older Eagles gain leadership experience from creating the agenda, event planning, room layout, and public speaking. This session’s exhibition themes included the science of waves, architecture, poetry, binary coding, and it was all capped off with an art auction led by the middle school! Let us know if you’d like to visit for session 2 exhibition in November! |