Acton guides and parents are reading the book The Power of Ted this spring for our book clubs! We've all found it deeply helpful for our individual Hero's Journey and for parenting and guiding young people! Check it out if you're looking for a quick, new read.
Here is the synopsis from Amazon: Escape the Grip of Drama and Take Control of Your Life The Power of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic) is a fable on self-leadership, because how you lead your own life has everything to do with how you lead in other areas. It is a tool for both individuals and organizations who want to create more effective communication and relationships. Learning how to transform everyday drama and opt for more growth-oriented solutions, is the priceless gift it teaches. As you walk with David, the main character, he shares how he is feeling victimized by life. Through serendipity he meets some wise guides, Ted and Sophia, who show David how he can move from feeling like a Victim to being a Creator of his own life. The Power of TED* offers a powerful alternative to the Karpman Drama Triangle with its roles of Victim, Persecutor, and Rescuer. The Empowerment Dynamic (TED) provides the antidote roles of Creator, Challenger and Coach and a more positive approach to life's challenges. The teaching story provides a guide for learning and growing through the challenges we all face in our lives. Its message resonates with everyone who, at some time in their lives, feel victimized by their situation. Having helped thousands of people and scores of organizations over the past decade, The Power of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic) is being published in this 10th Anniversary Edition to convey a very timely message of hope that all of life, whether at home or work, can be transformed to create satisfying and fulfilling relationships.
Acton schools use the mono-myth of the Hero’s Journey to give a framework to the ups and downs of learning and of life in general. If you’re not familiar with the Hero’s Journey, check out this video on how we’re all a little like Harry Potter, Frodo, and Katniss Everdeen. As humans, we crave a life that means something to the world. This beckons us to The Hero's Journey. The Hero’s Journey is the story of an individual hero facing difficult challenges on a quest in a community in search of a worthy grail that changes the hero in the process. It is the time-tested tale of human development that has shaped civilization through the ages. Learners at Acton are Heroes -
At Acton Marietta, you’ll find a community of learners, parents, and guides ready to act as allies, helpers, and mentors on the Hero’s Journey. The community is here to help everyone as they leave the ordinary world, face the road of trials, and return home changed. Have you heard the call to adventure? Join an education revolution with us! Sign up for a discovery call today! Do you have questions, or are you ready to schedule a tour? Click here to schedule a discovery call today! |